Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Maybe a little too late ...

The white iPhone 4 has been announced to be released April 28, 2011. It may just be me but WHY?! No one could possibly have waited this long to get a white iPhone 4 rather than just going to the store and buying one right then and there. On top of waiting to get a white iPhone 4 people are most likely going to put a case on it, most of which hide the phone itself anyway but don't get me wrong it still looks very sleek, clean and nice. Meanwhile the release for the next iPhone will be relatively soon because Apple is like Nintendo and comes out with new and updated products up the wahzoo. I have an iPhone 4 (obviously black) and the only reason I can see the white iPhone 4 selling is when the next generation of iPhone 4's come out and the price gets reduced, say to the price of the 3GS ($49). If that ever happens ..


  1. haha apple is silly, yet i bet many people will buy a new one just to get it in white or some minor difference :/

  2. I agree. Only reason people would get it it because it's white. :P

  3. @Cosmonaut - definitely. Some things people will pay a lot of money for eludes me...

  4. Another iPhone for people to freak about.

  5. Apples next big announcnement, the White iPhone slightly thinner than the previous one!

  6. Really not a big fan of the iPhone thing... Not sure what other comment I can make!

  7. I think the white looks better than the black, but I would probably get an android over ios though.

  8. i can never get a smart phone id lose the little bit of my soul i have left =x

  9. People are trading in there black iphones so i guess it still is worth it :p
